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Food Club Cereal, Sweetened Oat With Marshmallows

11.5 oz.
Food Club Cereal, Sweetened Oat With Marshmallows

Product Details

Cereal, Sweetened Oat With Marshmallows

Per 3/4 Cup Serving: 120 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% dv); 160 mg sodium (7% dv); 13 g sugars; calcium (10% dv); vitamin D (10% dv). Good morning globe! They might use different words, but parents all over the globe are waking their kids up and getting them ready for school, just like you! Spanish good morning. Portuguese have you brushed your teeth yet? Italian did you make your bed? German it's time to get dressed. Make sure to finish all your cereal. Chinese hurry, or you'll be late for the school bus! Our commitment to quality is 100% satisfaction or double your money back. Quality guarantee. 100% recycled paperboard.

*EBT Eligible

Aisle 05A
UPC: 00036800211803